Joshua Lehmann
Attorney at Law
Associate Attorney at Law +41 58 450 80 00 joshua.lehmann@lenzstaehelin.com |
Zurich Brandschenkestrasse 24 CH-8027 Zurich www.lenzstaehelin.com |
Joshua Lehmann is an associate based at our Zurich office. He practises Swiss and international tax law for both individuals and corporations.
Domaines d'activité
Experience professionnelle Parcours académique
Parcours académique
2021 Associate, Lenz & Staehelin 2021 Swiss Bar Admission 2018 University of St. Gallen (M.A. HSG in Law and Economics) 2016 University of St. Gallen (B.A. HSG in Law and Economics) -
Domaines d'activité
Tax -
German, English -
- Hinny P., Lehmann J., Schweiz: Beschluss einer Verfassungsgrundlage für die Umsetzung der OECD/G20-Mindestbesteuerung ("Legal basis for implementation of Swiss minimum taxation under OECD/G20 Pillar II-rules"), in: IStR-LB 2023