Industrials and Chemicals

Keeping the wheels of manufacturing turning

Switzerland has a proud history in manufacturing, with our industrial and chemicals clients continuing to play a major role in the country’s economy. In fact, our long sector track record and strong international connections mean we can help clients meet tough legal challenges whatever the location and jurisdiction.  

Drawing on our Corporate, Financial, Commercial, Competition, Tax, Employment, IP and other relevant practice groups, we can provide expert support for all industrial manufacturing scenarios. Whether it’s a family-owned or private equity-backed business, leading companies rely on us for a broad range of services from dispute resolution to mergers and acquisitions. And in the complex chemicals space, we also serve companies and their investors with advice on corporate, M&A, financial, IP, anti-trust, real estate, regulatory and other business-critical matters including environmental and health and safety issues. Our Private Client team supports many families and entrepreneurs with links to this sector through advice on wealth protection.

As business becomes increasingly borderless, we’re delivering services further afield – including for Swiss subsidiaries of foreign companies. Where foreign law applies in such cases, we work closely with local counsel to effectively handle all international aspects.

  • Expertise

    • Public and private mergers and acquisitions
    • Partnerships and joint ventures
    • Divestitures
    • Finance including capital markets and private equity
    • All regulatory aspects including environmental compliance
    • IP and technology-related agreements
    • Dispute resolution including litigation and arbitration
    • Tax efficiency
    • Manufacturing real estate matters
    • Negotiations around contractor and third party agreements


Deals &<br />Cases

