BTG Pactual to Acquire BSI
On July 14, 2014, Banco BTG Pactual S.A. (BTG Pactual) and Participatie Maatschappij Graafschap Holland NV, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. (Generali), entered into a definitive agreement regarding the sale and purchase of all shares of BSI SA, a Swiss private bank with headquarters in Lugano, around CHF 100 billion of client assets and a global presence with approximately 2,000 employees in more than 10 countries around the world. The total consideration amounts to CHF 1.5 billion and is composed of CHF 1.2 billion in cash and CHF 300 million in BBGT11 units to be issued by BTG Pactual. Closing of the transaction is subject to receipt of regulatory approvals and other conditions usual for this type of transaction.
Lenz & Staehelin advises BTG Pactual in this transaction. The team includes Partners Hans-Jakob Diem (Corporate, Lead), Tino Gaberthüel (Corporate), Stefan Breitenstein (Banking Regulatory), Pascal Hinny (Tax) and Astrid Waser (Antitrust), and Associates Simone Ehrsam, Karin Steiner, Christian Kunz (Corporate), Nicolas Bonassi, Patrick Schärli, Cla Koenz (Banking/Regulatory), Andreas Lienhard (Employment and Pension), Raphael Nusser (IP), Nicolas Jacquemart (IT), Stefan Brandner and Urban Broger (Tax).