Joshua Lehmann Associate
Attorney at Law

Joshua Lehmann

Attorney at Law
+41 58 450 80 00
Brandschenkestrasse 24
CH-8027 Zurich
  • Expertise

    Joshua Lehmann is an associate based at our Zurich office. He practises Swiss and international tax law for both individuals and corporations.

  • Practices

  • Professional Experience and Education

    and Education

    2021Associate, Lenz & Staehelin
    2021Swiss Bar Admission
    2018University of St. Gallen (M.A. HSG in Law and Economics)
    2016University of St. Gallen (B.A. HSG in Law and Economics)
  • Specialist Areas

  • Languages

    German, English

    • Hinny P., Lehmann J., Schweiz: Beschluss einer Verfassungsgrundlage für die Umsetzung der OECD/G20-Mindestbesteuerung ("Legal basis for implementation of Swiss minimum taxation under OECD/G20 Pillar II-rules"), in: IStR-LB 2023
  • Contact Details

  • 03 Aug 2023

    Schweiz: Beschluss einer Verfassungsgrundlage für die Umsetzung der OECD/G20-Mindestbesteuerung ("Legal basis for implementation of Swiss minimum taxation under OECD/G20 Pillar II-rules")

    in: IStR-LB 2023