Copyright Litigation

Published: 2 December 2014
  • People

    Managing Partner, Co-Head of Intellectual Property
  • Expertise

    Intellectual Property
    Litigation and Arbitration

The 2nd edition of Copyright Litigation: Jurisdictional Comparisons offers clear guidance for anyone considering litigation in a foreign country or involved in a multijurisdictional copyright litigation. Adopting a country-by-country approach, with a common format for each country, it enables quick and accurate comparisons between jurisdictions.

This title:

  • Covers the law and procedure in more than 25 major jurisdictions
  • Features contributions from leading local practitioners who are experts in the field
  • Offers a well organised starting point for international reference
  • Answers the key questions of multinational corporations and their legal advisors
  • Sets out each country’s courts and administrative system
  • Goes through civil court procedure
  • Explains the available remedies
  • Looks at the available enforcement options
  • Covers litigation costs
  • Uses a reader-friendly Q&A format that enables quick and easy cross-jurisdictional comparisons
  • Provides straightforward, practical commentary on each jurisdiction and the respective legal Systems


Insights 10.04.2024

Climate change landmark case – European Court of Human Rights condemns Switzerland for not doing enough against climate change

Climate change landmark case – European Court of Human Rights condemns…

In a historic ruling, the European Court of Human Rights ("Court") found that the European Convention on Human Rights ("Convention") encompasses a right to effective protection by the State authorities against the adverse effects of climate change. The Court found that Switzerland had failed to act in a timely and sufficient manner to adopt and implement relevant legislation and measures to mitigate climate change, violating Article 8 of the Convention. Although the judgment is final and binding, the Court did not order Switzerland to take specific measures to comply with the ruling. This new case law will undoubtedly have a significant symbolic and political impact. While the rights protected under the Convention are not directly applicable to private entities such as companies, the judgment may however add further momentum to so-called horizontal climate change lawsuits brought against private entities.

Insights 25.03.2024

Implications for intellectual property rights following Switzerland and India’s new free trade agreement

Implications for intellectual property rights following Switzerland and…

On March 10 2024, Switzerland – together with fellow European Free Trade Association members Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland – signed the ‘Trade and Economic Partnership Agreement’ (Free Trade Agreement, "FTA") with India. The negotiations to achieve this result took 16 years. Alongside core provisions on custom duties and investment opportunities, the FTA also contains various provisions on the protection of intellectual property rights that will influence trade between Swiss and Indian companies.