The Swiss International Arbitration Law Reports (2009) Vol. 3 Nos. 1 & 2

Published: 10 September 2011
  • 09 Sep 2024

    Zur Parteirollenverteilung im Arresteinspracheverfahren nach Art. 278 SchKG

    in: Peroz A., Haldy J., Piotet D. (Hrsg.), Du Plaict aux plaideurs – Mélanges en l'honneur du Professeur Denis Tappy

  • 31 May 2024

    L'expertise privée en procédure civile: considérations pratiques à la lumière de l'art. 177 nCPC

    in: Anwaltsrevue|Revue de l'avocat, Numéro 5|2024, p. 199 ss.


Insights 14.02.2025

Swiss sanctions against Russia – Further alignment with the EU 15th Sanctions Package

Swiss sanctions against Russia – Further alignment with the EU 15th…

In a continued effort to align with European Union ("EU") sanctions, on 12 February 2025, the Swiss Federal Council implemented additional measures to align with the EU 15th sanctions package. The new Swiss restrictions, which primarily concern extended divestment deadlines and reinforced measures regarding court rulings involving Russian companies, came into force on 13 February 2025.

Insights 10.04.2024

Climate change landmark case – European Court of Human Rights condemns Switzerland for not doing enough against climate change

Climate change landmark case – European Court of Human Rights condemns…

In a historic ruling, the European Court of Human Rights ("Court") found that the European Convention on Human Rights ("Convention") encompasses a right to effective protection by the State authorities against the adverse effects of climate change. The Court found that Switzerland had failed to act in a timely and sufficient manner to adopt and implement relevant legislation and measures to mitigate climate change, violating Article 8 of the Convention. Although the judgment is final and binding, the Court did not order Switzerland to take specific measures to comply with the ruling. This new case law will undoubtedly have a significant symbolic and political impact. While the rights protected under the Convention are not directly applicable to private entities such as companies, the judgment may however add further momentum to so-called horizontal climate change lawsuits brought against private entities.