Laure Prevignano
Attorney at Law
Associate Attorney at Law +41 58 450 70 00 laure.prevignano@lenzstaehelin.com |
Geneva Route de Chêne 30 CH-1211 Geneva www.lenzstaehelin.com |
Laure Prevignano is an associate at our Geneva office, where she is a member of the Banking and Finance, Capital Markets, and Litigation and Arbitration groups.
Professional Experience and Education
and Education
2023 Associate at Lenz & Staehelin 2021 Trainee Lawyer at Lenz & Staehelin 2020 Mission of Switzerland to the European Union (Internship) 2021 Geneva Bar School (CAS in Legal Professions) 2021 University of Fribourg (MLaw) 2019 University of Copenhagen (academic semester) 2018 University of Fribourg (BLaw) 2017 University of Bonn (academic year) -
Specialist Areas
Banking and Finance, Litigation, Capital Markets -
French, English, German, Italian -
Geneva Bar Association (OdA) -
- Rayroux F., Meylan D., Prevignano L., Transactions on carbon rights in Switzerland : Legislative landscape and perspectives, in: CapLaw, Vol. 3, 2022
- Prevignano L., Entre Fédéralisme et Intergouvernementalisme : Une perspective de droit constitutionnel européen sur la réponse de l'UE à la crise de COVID-19, in: Cahiers fribourgeois de droit européen no 29, Fribourg 2021.
- Prevignano L., The Impact of AI on the Law - Rethinking the public-private dichotomy in the age of algorithms, in: Retskraft - Copenhagen Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 5 no 1, Copenhagen 2021.
- Prevignano L., La politique européenne durant l'année 2018, in : Epiney Astrid, Hehemann Lara, Zlatescu Petru Emmanuel (ed.), Annuaire de droit euro-péen 2018/2019, Zürich/Basel/Genf, 2019.
Contact Details
Transactions on carbon rights in Switzerland : Legislative landscape and perspectives
in: CapLaw, Vol. 3, 2022
The Impact of AI on the Law - Rethinking the public-private dichotomy in the age of algorithms
in: Retskraft - Copenhagen Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 5 no 1, Copenhagen 2021.