Peter Ling
Attorney at Law, LL.M.
Partner Attorney at Law, LL.M. +41 58 450 80 00 peter.ling@lenzstaehelin.com |
Zurich Brandschenkestrasse 24 CH-8027 Zurich www.lenzstaehelin.com |
Peter Ling is a partner specialising in intellectual property, unfair competition and life sciences law. He represents clients in litigation before Swiss courts and governmental authorities and in arbitration proceedings. Peter also advises on licensing and IP structuring transactions, and on strategic IP issues. Peter is a member of the board of the Licensing Executives Society Switzerland (LES-CH) and the co-chair of the Licensing Executives Society International (LESI)'s Technology Transfer Committee. Peter is the head of the International Trademark Association (INTA)'s Damages Working Group and an active member of AIPPI's Standing Committee on TRIPS. Peter is a lecturer of intellectual property law at ETH Zurich and he teaches civil procedure at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property.
Professional Experience and Education
and Education
2020 Partner, Lenz & Staehelin 2010 Joined Lenz & Staehelin 2004-07 University of Lausanne (Assistant of Prof. F. Dessemontet) 2012-13 Columbia Law School (LL.M., Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar) 2010 Swiss Bar Admission 2004 University of Fribourg i. Ue. (lic. iur.) 2003 Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg i. Br., Germany (visiting student) -
Specialist Areas
Intellectual Property, Unfair Competition, Licensing, Life Sciences, Healthcare, Contract Law, Litigation and Arbitration, Technology, Media & Telecoms -
German, French, English, Hungarian -
Zurich Bar Association (ZAV), Swiss Bar Association (SAV), Center for Business Law of the University of Lausanne (CEDIDAC), Institut für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz (INGRES), Licensing Executives Society Switzerland (LES-CH), International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI), Munich IP Dispute Resolution Forum (IPDR Forum), European Patent Lawyers' Association (EPLAW), International Trademark Association (INTA) -
- Antreasyan S., Ling P., Morscher L., Poskriakov F., Artificial Intelligence 2024 - Switzerland, in: Lexology Panoramic, October 2024
- England P., Burghart S., Ericsson J., Jacobacci F., Krens J., Ling P., Madsen K., Pochart F., Rättzén M., Washbrook M., Wessendorf N., A Practitioner's Guide to European Patent Law, Bloomsbury Academic, 2nd edition, 2023
- Ling P., One does not simply upload a meme - Internet memes and the parody exemption in Europe, in: Developments and Directions in Intellectual Property Law, Bosher/Rosati (eds.), OUP 2023
- Calame T., Ling P., Life Sciences & Pharma IP Litigation 2023 - Switzerland: Law and Practice, in: Chambers Global Practice Guides, March 2023
- Ling P., Antreasyan S., Rusterholz L., Trabaldo Togna F., Digital Health 2023 - Switzerland, in: Getting the Deal Through, January 2023
- Calame T., Ling P., Trade Secrets 2022 - Switzerland: Law and Practice, in: Chambers Global Practice Guides, April 2022
- Ling P., Abegg B., Compulsory licensing in a (post) covid-19 world, in: IAM Life Sciences: Key issues for senior life sciences executives 2021, June 2021, 59-63
- Calame T., Ling P., Patent Enforcement in Switzerland, in: Patent Enforcement in Europe, European Patent Academy (ed.), 2020
- Ling P., Bigler M., Ingold M., Oertli R., Staub R., AIPPI Q275 - Standing to Litigate and Effect on Remedies, Report of the Swiss Group, in: sic! 11/2020, 667 et seqq.
- Ling P., Abegg B., Life sciences battlefields - hot litigation topics in Switzerland, in: IAM Life Sciences: Key issues for senior life sciences executives 2020, May 2020, 83-89
- Ling P., Collaboration and compromise: the amended Swiss Copyright Act, in: World Intellectual Property Review (WIPR), April 6, 2020
- Ling P., Licensing 2020 - Switzerland, in: Getting the Deal Through, February 2020, 121-129
- Ling P., EU General Court considers 'MARRY ME' descriptive for online dating, in: JIPLP 2019, 592
- Ling P., Young ICCA - WIPO Seminar on IP Arbitration, in: ArbitralWomen Newsletter, Issue 32, April 2019, 10
- Ling P., The New Medical Activity Exemption in the Swiss Patent Act, in: LSR 2018/4
- Ling P., UPC - Hungarian Constitutional Complaint, Guest report in the IPKat Blog, 5 July 2018
- Ling P., Die Substanziierungslast bei Stufenklagen - Neues aus dem Bundesgericht, in: LSR 2018, 102 et seqq.
- Ling P., Patentability of Computer-Implemented Inventions - Report of Swiss Group, in: sic! 2017, 672 (with S. Billi, A. Gygi, T. Kretschmer, P. Pliska, S. Ragot, B. Rauber, C. Rieder, H. Spillmann, S. Strässle, M. Zardi)
- Ling P., Optimizing Environmental Technology Diffusion under Intellectual Property Constraints: a Legal Analysis (book report on the doctoral thesis of S. Chuffart-Finsterwald), in: sic! 2017, 322 et seq.
- Ling P., Security Interests over Intellectual Property - Report of Swiss Group, in: sic! 2016, 20 et seqq. (with N. Benz, A. Detken, M. Naef, M. Koller, M. Wang)
- Ling P., Exhaustion Issues in Copyright Law - Report of Swiss Group, in: sic! 2014, 580 (with N. Benz, U. In-Albon, T. Kretschmer, A. Menn, R. Oertli, G. Rauber, C. Raymann)
- Calame T., Ling P., Copyright Litigation, in: Jurisdictional Comparisons, 2nd edition, Switzerland Chapter, 2014
- Ling P., Publicité évènementielle et réseaux sociaux - perspectives réglementaires suisses, in: GesKR (Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht) 4/2013, 579 et seqq.
- Ling P., US Supreme Court erklärt Patente auf isolierte DNA für ungültig, in: sic! 12/2013, 781 et seqq.
- Ling P., Art. 22, 22a, 22b, 22c, 23 and 24b of the Swiss Copyright Act, in: De Werra J., Gilliéron P., Commentaire romand de la propriété intellectuelle (Commentary of Swiss IP Law), Basel 2013
- Ling P., Abweichung der internationalen Registrierung von der Basismarke: Das Spannungsfeld zwischen dem Schutzumfang internationaler Marken und dem Schutz gutgläubiger Dritter, in: sic! 2009, 673
- Ling P., Résiliation du bail et droit au logement en droit suisse, in: Besson S. et al. (eds.), Human Rights at the Center, Zurich 2006, 653 et seqq.
- Ling P., Les successions dans les entreprises, Lausanne 2006
- Portmann ., Ling P., Le partage de fichiers en ligne après l'arrêt Grokster et dans le projet de révision de la LDA, in: Bulletin CEDIDAC Nr. 43, October 2005
- Gilliéron ., Ling P., Les accords de distribution, Lausanne 2005
- Götz von Olenhusen ., Ling P., Parodie und Urheberrechtsverletzung in der Schweiz und in Deutschland, insbesondere im Bereich der bildenden Künste, in: UFITA 2003, 695
Contact Details
“Peter has built his reputation on a foundation of outstanding litigation skills. His courtroom presence is commanding and his strategic thinking is second to none. He navigate the intricacies of the legal system with ease, providing clear and succinct advice, even in complex matters.”
WTR 1000, 2025Peter Ling is a well regarded patent litigation lawyer who comes highly recommend for his deep knowledge and vast experience advising clients in the life sciences sector.
Who's Who Legal, 2024Peter Ling always tries to understand the in-house perspective and acts like a true extended arm of the in-house team. I really appreciate the fact that even after the case was over, Peter kept providing us with updates on legal developments he spotted and which could be relevant for our industry, even beyond the scope of TM/IP law.
The Legal 500, 2024Peter Ling is rigorous and has good communication and creative problem-solving skills. He is able to analyse quickly and synthesise legal issues including complex technical matters.
Chambers & Partners, 2024“Peter’s dependable expertise in IP law, combined with his admirable availability and flexibility, has earned him a great reputation.”
IAM Patent 1000, 2024“His proven track record has fostered confidence among his clients, who consistently benefit from his valuable insights and judgement.”
IAM Patent 1000, 2024A great communicator with an exceptional understanding of the field. He is insightful, strategic and offers new ways to look at existing problems.
WTR 1000, 2022
Artificial Intelligence 2024 - Switzerland
in: Lexology Panoramic, October 2024
One does not simply upload a meme - Internet memes and the parody exemption in Europe
in: Developments and Directions in Intellectual Property Law, Bosher/Rosati (eds.), OUP 2023